Greece sidelines officials who blocked expulsion of refugees to Turkey

The Greek government has sidelined members of an independent authority that had blocked the deportation of Syrian refugees, following sustained pressure from other European countries. Greek MPs voted on Thursday to change the composition of the country’s asylum appeals board, in an attempt to sideline officials who had objected on legal grounds to the expulsion…

Thousands of Minor Refugees Stranded Alone in Greece

ATHENS, Jun 9 2016 – Closure of the Western Balkans route has trapped tens of thousands of refugees heading to Central and Northern Europe in Greece, including many unaccompanied minors who either escaped from war zones after having lost their relatives, or were sent ahead in hopes of helping their families follow afterwards. While the…

How the E.U.-Turkey Deal Came to Be

German chancellor Angela Merkel has trumpeted the agreement to return Syrian refugees to Turkey from Greece as a “European solution.” But with no real accord across the 28 member states, terms and conditions that will be difficult to put into practice and continuing arrivals to Greece, is it truly a breakthrough? Turkey and the European…

MEPs ask the Commission to further enhanced independence and monitoring of the Complaints Mechanism for human rights violations of the EBCG

Fourteen MEPs have submitted a question to the European Commission on 10 February 2016 questioning the status of the new Complaints Mechanism foreseen as a structure within the new European Border and Coast Guard (EBCG). The Complaints Mechanism will be responsible for accepting and examining complaints regarding possible violations of rights by EBCG officials during…

Geopolitical and power games with the refugees

translated in English by X-Pressed Everyone who wants to understand the political schemes of the EC in the refugee crisis can start from the first sentence of the Announcement issued on Wednesday (10/14/2015), while awaiting the relevant meeting of the Heads of State: “During the first nine months of the year more than 710,000 refugees, displaced…

2/5ths of EUs’ regular budget given to Greece for immigration is settled for Surveillance, Biometrics and Border Control Procurements

Despite the Internal Security Fund (ISF) will be a key factor in shaping population and border control mechanisms during the next six years throughout the EU, its importance and scope is still very often underestimated by the public as well as organisations directly affected by it. The complete picture of the European Commission’s investment in…